Support us
As a sponsor, partner, donor, or member, there are lots of ways you can contribute to our work and support independent heritage

While we’re not a registered charity, our work does make a vital difference. Private and independent owners look after the great bulk of the UK’s heritage. We think that enabling historic houses to remain lived-in homes is the most meaningful, most sustainable, and most affordable way to keep them alive for future generations to enjoy. That’s why we advise owners, make the case for them with government, and make sure they get the support they need – from us, from our experts, and from one another.
You can contribute to our work in all sorts of ways. The most obvious is membership. We have different categories for highly listed properties and the people associated with them; companies who sell relevant goods and services to those properties; clubs, society and workplace groups; people who enjoy learning about, and visiting, beautiful houses, castles, and gardens.
We also work closely with a range of sponsors, who provide advice to our members as well as vital funding for our core activities.
Finally, we share a mission with the Historic Houses Foundation, which is a registered charity. The foundation makes grants to country houses in England and Wales (regardless of their membership of Historic Houses), and prides itself on its grant-making style – high on engagement and support, low on red tape and bureaucracy.