
Stone House Country Estate

Contemporary hospitality in a traditional setting combining Tudor splendour and Georgian opulence

Rushlake Green, East Sussex, TN21 9QJ

Experience this house

Exclusive Use

  • Accessible parking
  • Conference rooms
  • Corporate hire
  • Film location
  • Open fire
  • Overnight accommodation
  • Private dinner with host available
  • Suppliers list
  • WiFi
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All our facilities, house, gardens and wider estate are available on an exclusive use basis, making Stone House Country Estate the perfect setting for all family celebrations, dinner parties, afternoon teas, pop-up dining experiences, business and club events and all types of corporate hospitality.

The Estate also provides the perfect period location for film, TV and photo shoots.

On an exclusive use basis and part of an event and accommodation package, we have two fourposter Georgian bedrooms and a further four en suite bedrooms in the original Tudor house available for pre or post event stays.


For further information

Get in touch to arrange a visit to the estate or request your individually prepared event quotation.
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Getting here

Rushlake Green, East Sussex, TN21 9QJ