Soulton Hall
Near Wem, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. SY4 5RS
Venue Types
Barn / stables
Chapel / church
House rooms
Marquee space
Outdoor / garden
Bridal suite
Guest parking
Overnight accommodation
There are accessible facilities for visitors in Soulton Court, the 1650s/1780s range of buildings in the precincts of the house. The hall presents challenges for visitors with access needs as it has no level access and the significant rooms are ranged over several floors without a lift.
Diversity and inclusion considerations matter a lot to us. Our website contains more detailed information. Please contact us to discuss adjustments that will help and we will do our best to support you.
Private, pre-booked tours can be arranged on a very exceptional basis, by request.
There is emerging scholarship connected to the manor which is ongoing, and the visitor offer with regards to heritage is been reviewed and developed at this time.
Where they are done, tours are conducted by family.
Please visit our website or email.
Soulton Hall is located in Shropshire, and is north of Shrewsbury and south of Chester.
Access is off Soulton Road/B506, close by a humpbacked bridge. This road joins the A49 which is a principle road up and down the Welsh border.
There are accessible facilities for visitors in Soulton Court, the 1650s/1780s range of buildings in the precincts of the house. The hall presents challenges for visitors with access needs as it has no level access and the significant rooms are ranged over several floors without a lift.
Diversity and inclusion considerations matter a lot to us. Our website contains more detailed information. Please contact us to discuss adjustments that will help and we will do our best to support you.