Raynham Hall
In all England there are few more beautiful houses than Raynham.
Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 7EP

An exquisitely comfortable and intimate house built by Sir Roger Townshend in 1620 with interiors designed by William Kent in the early 1720s for the second Viscount Townshend (‘Turnip’) Not only was he the renowned agricultural reformer but also an important figure in the courts of Queen Anne and King George I.
“In all England there are few more beautiful houses than Raynham – and none perhaps, that so perfectly exemplifies all that is best in English domestic architecture in the first half of the seventeenth century. Raynham is not palatial, there is a comfortable, homely feeling about it. It is a house designed not only to be admired, but also to be loved.” John Julius, Viscount Norwich.