High Beeches Woodland & Water Garden
A botanical treasure trove of 27 acres of woodland, water gardens, and a collection of rare, exotic and award-winning plants.
Handcross, West Sussex, RH17 6HQ

The garden, situated in the High Weald of Sussex, was originally created by a member of the Loder family in the early 1900s. It was purchased by Edward and Anne Boscawen in the late 1960s and they continued to maintain the garden in the spirit in which it was created. The Boscawens regularly added to the existing important collection of hardy woody plants with a particular emphasis on species Rhododendrons and plants with good autumn colour. The garden has a spectacular 4 acre ancient wildflower meadow, one of the best in the south east, and the garden is managed with a view to bio-diversity and the conservation of the many rare plants in the collection as well as the native flora and fauna. The Wealden landscape of ghylls and small valleys has been sensitively planted to create a place of great beauty and tranquillity which can be enjoyed at all seasons. Now owned by High Beeches Gardens Conservation Trust the garden is still managed by family members.