
Finchingfield Guildhall

A building of exceptional importance, by its key position at the churchyard entrance, by the historical continuity of use and by the building's extant early architectural features and subsequent restoration.

Church Hill, Finchingfield, Essex, CM7 4NN

Finchingfield Guildhall front wall

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Historic Houses members must pay for entrance for this property.
Historic Houses members must pay for entrance for this property.
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Once ‘at risk’, this Grade I guildhall from the 15th and 17th centuries is owned by the village. The restoration completed in 2013 has been acknowledged for craft skills in carpentry and pargeting. An oriel window has been replaced and discoveries made during the restoration work are on show.

The story of the building provides the clues that inform the conservation strategies and details. It is clear that the architects, clients and builders have worked very closely together to create a particularly sensitive and beautifully judged renovation. It is not only in attention to detail that this project excels, but also in the reuse of the original shops and a range of other community functions. The library, exhibition room and main hall all reveal that the building makes a continued and significant contribution to the local community.

Enjoy a guided tour of the interior and exterior of the Guildhall and interactive museum, library and small shop by the team involved in its renovation. Set within the grounds of St John the Baptist Norman church, there is also an opportunity to wander around the village of Finchingfield.

Tours that are scheduled will be listed below. If none are scheduled yet, please check back later, or find other tours you might enjoy on our tours listing page here.


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Finchingfield Guildhall, Essex

Finchingfield Guildhall, Essex

We got far more than I was expecting ... with Finchingfield also taking us on a mini-tour of the village, church and windmill and of course there were a good selection of cafes, pubs etc. for our lunch.

Getting here

Church Hill, Finchingfield, Essex, CM7 4NN

The Guildhall is located next to the church, opposite the Finchingfield Lion pub on Churchill Hill, Finchingfield (B1053). Parking can be found around the village. Parking can be found around the village.

For those wishing to avoid climbing the hill or using steps, parking is advised in Vicarage Road where there is a path leading through the churchyard to the Guildhall. From the village green, follow the road up the hill with the church to the right, taking the first right just before the Three Tuns pub.