Corsham Court
Country house in a park designed by Capability Brown notable for its fine art collection.
Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 0BZ

Bike storage facilities
Easily accessible without car
Free parking
Mostly wheelchair accessible
Parkland / open spaces
Pet friendly
We welcome visitors to Corsham Court to view our historic collection.
The collection at Corsham Court contains important paintings by such masters as Fra Filippo Lippi, Van Dyck, Carlo Dolci, Joshua Reynolds and Sofonisba Anguissola.
The mirrors and tables in the Picture Gallery were designed by Robert Adam specially for the room.
Capability Brown was responsible for the layout of the Corsham Park to the east of the house and in the gardens, amongst the collection of specimen trees, is the oriental plane, which is acknowledged to be the largest spreading tree in the United Kingdom.
Please note: The information on the Historic Houses website is advisory, but please always check the website of the house or garden you intend to visit before travelling.
March to September, weekends and Tuesday to Thursday, and Bank Holidays, 2pm to 5.30pm.
October to March, weekends only (closed December), 2pm to 4pm.
Last admission 30 minutes before close.
20th March – 30th September and on bank holidays (closed on Mondays and Fridays)
Open 2.00 – 5.30pm (last entry 5pm)
1st October – 19th March open on Saturdays and Sundays only
(closed during December)
2.00 – 4.30pm (last entry 4pm)
Historic Houses members visit for free.
Adult: £12.50 House & Garden
£5 Gardens Only
Child: £6 House & Gardens
£2.50 Gardens Only
Family (2 Adults & 2 Children): £32 House and Gardens
Groups of 15 or more (max. 45 persons) are welcome outside of normal opening times, throughout the year, by prior appointment only.
Please email: to book your group visit. (Morning bookings are preferred)
During normal opening hours, the Breakfast Room and Library in the private wing are open by guided tour only, on dates to follow later in the year. (Max.15 persons per tour)
There is an extra charge of £2 for these tours for regular visitors, or £5 for Historic Houses members.
Booking is not necessary; however, since numbers are limited, it is recommended you check availability before coming
The private wing is not otherwise open to the public.
01249 712214/701610
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