Claydon Courtyard: Sustainability

Home to the Verney family, Claydon Estate is a thriving, family-run country estate. Situated within Claydon Estate’s 18th century courtyard is the Phoenix Kitchen, their low-waste, sustainable eatery. Their ethos is to serve local, seasonal food with minimal waste throughout the year, strengthening their commitment to reducing Claydon’s carbon footprint, supporting the local economy, and providing sustainable tourism.
The Phoenix kitchen are passionate about supporting local, independent suppliers, and where possible, source their food from within 30-miles of the estate. The estate also produces a variety of fruit, which is used in their cakes, preserves and juices. Claydon have also made a concerted effort to significantly reduce the use of plastics in recent years, especially the use of single use plastics in the restaurant and kitchen.
In 2020, when the Phoenix Kitchen was required to switch to a takeaway service for much of the year, they sourced a range of eco-friendly takeaway cups and containers, to avoid plastic or styrofoam. The containers are compostable, biodegradable, recyclable and made from carbon-saving, plant-based materials and sustainably sourced paper. Claydon have also increased their number of recycling bins on site to ensure the eco-wares are properly collected, and limited the takeaway food menu to minimise food waste.
Claydon recently celebrated its 400th anniversary, having been the ancestral home of the Verney family since 1620. To mark the occasion, 400 specimen trees will be planted across the estate over the next 10 years, with approximately 70 scheduled to be planted in 2021. Looking forward to Claydon’s future, current heir to the estate Nicholas Verney has set out a vision for the estate to play a greater part in the sustainability, health and prosperity of the local community in the years ahead:
“We are passionate about being part of the solution to issues such as the housing shortage, climate crisis and mental health… this is not only our home, but it is the home of our communities, and we have a responsibility to ensure this beautiful corner of Buckinghamshire thrives, and to build a sustainable future.”

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Claydon Courtyard
Middle Claydon, Buckingham, MK18 2EY