Join our association
We're a family of independent historic houses supported by business and the general public. Discover more about our various categories of membership.

Tens of thousands of people support our cause through membership, and we support historic places as members of our association. Whoever you are, there is a place in the association for you.
Our categories of membership

General membership
For everyone who loves heritage - discovering, supporting, and visiting
Our largest membership category is open to any member of the public. By joining us you’ll be helping us support, advise, and represent independent heritage, and in return hundreds of our member houses and gardens will offer you free admission during ordinary opening hours, allowing you to explore even more of the heritage you love.
You can find out more about the benefits of membership and why you should support us here:
Why join?
House membership
For owners of historic houses, castles, and gardens
Houses, castles and gardens in private, corporate, charitable, or institutional ownership throughout Great Britain and Northern Ireland may join the association as full , or house, members. We exist to protect the interests of these places and to ensure that they stay where they can best be looked after – in independent hands. We consider the historic site itself to be the member, and the owner or custodian its representative.
Eligible properties must be historically or architecturally important; buildings will typically be Grade I or II* listed, in England and Wales (Category A or B in Scotland, Grade A or B+ in Northern Ireland), or linked with a historically significant figure or event. Gardens of lost houses that would have been listed if they had survived, or those on the register (inventory, in Scotland) of historic parks and gardens for their nation of the UK, are eligible to join in their own right. Important collections of works of art which are housed in properties which are not listed may be considered for membership.
Your property does not need to be regularly open to the public to join us — most of the houses we represent are lived-in family homes, where access may range from an annual church fete in the grounds to regular tours and a thriving tea shop.
You can find out more about the benefits and fees for house membership here
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Associate house membership
For individuals closely tied to a member house
This membership is designed for former occupants of a member house who have now handed over care to the next generation, or close family members still living in the house or on its estate.
Associate house members are, like all other categories of membership, offered free entry by hundreds of member attractions that open to the public on a regular basis. They continue receive Historic House magazine, and are welcome at Historic Houses seminar and network events, where they are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience with other members of the network.
To join as an associate member, speak to the primary contact for the member house with which you have a close tie, or contact us on

Next Generation membership
Preparation for taking on a historic house
Next Generation membership is designed to help those who anticipate one day living in or running an eligible historic house or garden to prepare for their role as a custodian.
We welcome all those in search of help, advice, and support; the property that they may come to care for does not need to be a current house member.
You can find out more about the benefits and fees for Next Generation membership here
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Corporate membership
For companies, charities, and groups
Corporate membership is how companies who supply goods and services to our house members, other heritage organisations and umbrella charities, and employee and social groups support our work, while enjoying a wide range of benefits, from publicity for their products to free transferable access to hundreds of participating attractions.
You can find out more about the types and benefits of corporate membership here
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